About Dr. B
Dr B is an eclectic healer combining the best of modern medicine with eastern philosophy. He treats the body, mind, and spirit. He believes that it is his job to “work myself out of a job, as quickly as possible, using proper examination and treatment techniques.”
Dr. B’s Treatment Protocols
Applied Kinesiology Technique ( including testing muscles and fixing weaknesses)
Graston, ART and other Soft Tissue Mobilization Techniques
Chakra and Meridian Balancing
Energetic Cleansing and Guided Meditation
Certified Master Golf Fitness Professional (Advantage Golf and Titleist Performance Institute)
Developer of Sport Specific and Patient Specific Exercise Programs
My Story
I was born and raised in Springfield, VT. My father was a teacher/coach, my mother a school nurse. I had five sisters and no brothers, which meant my own room and no hand-me-downs. I was a true coach’s son and dedicated myself to whatever sport was in season, developing into a record setting, all-state (small state) high school hall of fame athlete in football, basketball and baseball.
I continued setting records (all broken) in basketball and baseball at Middlebury College. But, I hurt my back my senior year, played thru the pain (of course) and continued to battle severe low back pain for the next 15 years while trying various careers including teaching, coaching, and computer equipment sales. I commuted to NYC for 10 years and lost most of my hair on the train (sadly), all the while looking for pain relief while educating myself in meditation, eastern philosophy, energy work, and exercise therapies. I tried multiple medical and alternative approaches and finally started getting pain relief from a combination of energy work, meditation and some Applied Kinesiology (AK) chiropractic care.
Then, at the age of 40, I enrolled full time in the 4.5 year doctoral program at the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic. My friends were suspicious of a “mid-life crisis,” but I saw it as a midlife opportunity. With no job, no income, two young daughters and an amazingly understanding, supportive and loving wife, we somehow made it through. While in school full time, I also took hundreds of weekend hours in Applied Kinesiology and golf specific fitness and biomechanics.
Upon graduation I immediately started my own solo practice in Darien, CT combining my love of sports especially golf, with the myriad of healing techniques learned along the way. I have enjoyed every minute of my busy practice ever since. Twenty-three years later I am still in practice though now in a semi-retired status.